Primary student use of mobile phones and personal devices

This template is for schools with primary student enrolments. Schools must refer to the department’s student use of mobile phones and personal devices policy when completing the template.

Pre-populated sections in the below template (including section headings) indicate mandatory content for schools to include in their local policy.


This policy provides direction to students, staff and families about managing mobile phones and other digital devices that students choose to bring to school. Digital devices include, but are not limited to, smartwatches, tablets or laptops that are not part of a separate Bring Your Own Device arrangement. This policy applies while students are at school, or attending an authorised school activity such as an excursion, during school hours.

Mobile phone use for primary school students

The department’s position is that primary aged students cannot use their mobile phones and personal devices at school during school hours. The department and the school recognise that there are legitimate reasons for students to bring a mobile phone or personal device to school. This may include:

  • to ensure their safety while travelling
  • so that parents can contact them outside of school hours.

During the school day students are not permitted to access or use their mobile phones or other personal devices. Students must switch off or mute their devices before storing them at the beginning of the school day. They will not be able to access their device until the end of the school day.

  • Storage of personal devices
  • Mobile phone must be kept in the student’s bag during school hours on silent or off.

Student who wish to store their mobile phones in a secure location can hand in their phone to the staff at the front office. The device will be logged and stored securely.

If the student does not comply


Leadership intervention and student will have office timeout. The student may be asked to place their phone in a labelled envelope and the phone may be collected from front office at end of the school day.

Leadership will contact parents/carers to discuss the incident.

Roles and responsibilities


Make sure:

this policy is clearly communicated and accessible to all students, staff, and families

there is a process for regular review of the policy

secure storage is provided for student personal devices that are handed in to school staff and individual lockers or locks that the school provides for students to store their belongings are appropriately secure

processes are in place for monitoring internet and school network use by all members of the school community.

Enforce the policy and responses to instances of non-compliance.

Report and respond to incidents of inappropriate use of personal devices in line with department policy and procedures and any legislative requirements.

Consider requests for exemptions from the policy from parents on a case-by-case basis. Make sure that approved exemptions are documented and that relevant staff are informed about students’ exemptions.

Model appropriate use of mobile phones and support families to understand the importance of promoting safe, responsible and respectful use of mobile phones to their children.

School staff

Deliver learning opportunities and maintain a safe and productive learning environment. Take steps to minimise distractions from the non-educational use of personal devices in the learning environment at times when a device is being used by a student in line with an approved exemption or in circumstances where students’ devices are stored in the classroom.

Respond to instances of non-compliance in line with the school’s policy.

Report and respond to incidents of inappropriate use of personal devices in line with department policy and procedures and any legislative requirements.

Make sure that any student personal devices handed in for their care are stored in a secure location and are returned to the student (or their parent).

Model appropriate use of mobile phones and support families to understand the importance of promoting safe, responsible and respectful use of mobile phones to their children.


Comply with the requirements of the school’s policy and follow all reasonable directions from the Principal and school staff.

If permitted to use a mobile phone or personal device in line with an exemption under this policy, do so in a safe, responsible and respectful way and support peers to do the same.

Communicate respectfully with others and do not use a mobile phone or other personal device to bully, harass or threaten another person.

Respect others’ rights to privacy and do not take photos, film or audio records of other people without their knowledge or permission.


Support the implementation of the school’s policy, including the consequences for non-compliance with the policy.

Use the school’s formal communication channels in all instances to communicate with the school (including where a student requires early collection from school). Encourage their child to always report to a school staff member in the first instance if they become unwell or experience an issue at school.

Recognise the important role they play in supporting their child to use their mobile phone (or other personal device) in a safe, responsible and respectful way.

Communication and review


The policy will be reviewed by the schools leadership in consultation with West Beach Primary Schools Governing Council in term 2022.

A copy of the policy is available on the schools website

Supporting information



Primary student use of mobile phones and personal devices agreement



Student:___________________________________ Year: __________________ Room No:______


I am aware of the mobile phone policy and understand my responsibilities in regard to this. I agree to follow the policy and am aware of the consequences if I choose to do otherwise.


Student Signature   __________________________________                                    Date______________


I acknowledge that I have read West Beach Schools’ Mobile Phone Policy and am aware of the consequences that will be put in place if my child misuses his/her mobile phone.



Parent/Carer signature   ________________________________                              Date_______________